Severe Weather Guidance
The Kent Closures Website allows a school representative to log in (with a school specific password) and change the ‘status’ of the school to ‘open’, ‘closed’ or ‘partially closed’. The information will then be displayed on the website for parents and staff.
Additionally, a parent or member of staff can then request to receive an email when a status is changed by the school. It is completely free to state funded schools (including Academies & Free Schools) in the KCC area.
Parent and Staff Action
1. Register Yourself with the Kent Closures Website to receive notifications.
Visit and click the ‘Register for Alerts’ button on the left side of the screen.
Fill in your:
first name
house number
email address
re-type password Then click register
2. Register for School Alerts
Once you have registered, you need to tell the system which school(s) you want to receive alerts from.
Visit and click the ‘Alerts Login’ button on the left side of the screen.
Fill in your:
email address
Then click ‘sign in’
3. Register to Receive Alerts from your Choice of School
Under ‘Add a School’:
Using the drop down menu, choose the town or village nearest to the school you want to receive alerts from, the drop down menu
Using the next drop down menu, choose the school
Click on ‘add school to alerts’
You can add as many schools as you wish.
You should now receive an email if there is a status change reported by your chosen schools.