Here are the Term 3 2025 After School Clubs which are bookable via Scopay.
Please don’t forget we also have our wraparound provision which is also bookable via Scopay.
Teacher Led Clubs:
The teacher led clubs for Term 3 are:
Story Club with Miss Chastney
Photography Club with Miss Saunders
Engineering Club with Mrs Prior
Multiskills Club with Coach Colin
We also have 2 clubs run by an external provider, Nicole from Dancemode. These clubs are:
Performing Arts Club held on Mondays for Years 1 & 2.
Street Dance Club held on Wednesdays for Years 1 & 2.
Please contact Nicole via email to book a place -
We have also attached a spreadsheet showing all the dates for each club and what time they finish. Please make a note of these dates or print the spreadsheet for your records, as not all clubs run every week. There will also be a copy of this spreadsheet on the noticeboard which is under the canopy by the school reception area.